Greyhound Designer Apparel

Greyhound apparel such as greyhound jackets, hooded coats, raincoats, pajamas and more made from fleece, faux fur, faux leather, faux suede, terry cloth, denim, wool, polyester blends, satin, and cotton. The fashions are custom-designed for your greyhound. You can choose from the designer collection that are available to you such as cool coats, visors, raincoats, jackets, pajamas, racing silks, sunglasses, custom designed specialty costumes (on request), and other dog accessories such as bad boy belly bands, travel beds (go to the Fashion Show link and see each item). I am sole designer of the apparel and each garment is designed to your dog's measurements. A bit of my heart goes into each garment that leaves my hands. Satisfaction is fully guaranteed. I want you and your greyhound to be totally satisfied and comfortable with the garment that has been designed specifically for your greyhound. If not, and for whatever reason, I have not achieved that satisfaction with you, please return the garment and you will be totally refunded of your purchase. Happy shopping!
How did Wild Things for Greys evolve?
I have always had the talent of sewing and had made things for my greyhounds from time to time. My greyhound, Allie Mae, was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2000. Designing practical and wearable garments for her was out of necessity. She had to be clothed to keep the sun and elements away from her skin. So, I started designing outfits for her. And had fun doing so. Then, I started making costumes, and more outfits. I was encouraged by my closest friends to start sewing for their hounds. And, so in my sweet Allie’s memory, this practical sewing has evolved into Wild Things for Greys, etc.
Check out our greyhound apparel on our fabrics and order page! If you have any questions, you can contact me at (702) 281-2538 or email me at |